All Posters

(All posters are listed alphabetically by title, with the exception of those beginning with quotation marks, or hashtag/pound sign, which are listed first)

#SelfCare: Perspectives from Instagram Project of Merit poster

#SelfCare: Perspectives from Instagram

PROJECT OF MERIT Research Authorship: Luke Nguyen, Collin Mullis, Bailey Rydzewski, Julie Williams Merten, PhD. Faculty Mentor: Dr. Julie Merten | Brooks College of Health

Block Designs poster

Block Designs

Research Authorship: Lucien Poulin, Dr. Daniela Genova Faculty Mentor: Dr. Daniela Genova | College of Arts and Sciences | Department of Mathematics and Statistics Abstract:

Cannabidiol (CBD) Skincare on Instagram poster

Cannabidiol (CBD) Skincare on Instagram

Research Authorship: Julie Merten, Mckenzie Rooney, Meriam Elbahri, Katilin Shivers, Cristina Watson Faculty Mentor: Dr. Julie Williams Merten | Brooks College of Health | Department
