“A State Sponsored System of Segregation”: Examining the Contemporary Impact of Redlining

“A State Sponsored System of Segregation”: Examining the Contemporary Impact of Redlining poster


Research Authorship:

Caroline Howard

Faculty Mentor:

Dr. David Jaffee | College of Arts and Sciences | Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work


The west side of downtown Jacksonville is home to historically black neighborhoods which for over a century were economically thriving. However, if you were to visit those areas today you would be greeted by vacant lots, abandoned buildings and a large homeless population. In the 1930’s predominantly black neighborhoods of Jacksonville were marked as hazardous areas unfit for loans: a process known as redlining. The Economic Innovation Group’s Distressed Community Index will be analyzed to determine if there is a correlation between redlining and the disproportionate economic hardship of historically black areas to predominantly white areas of Jacksonville. Utilizing GIS technologies, zip code level data will be spatially displayed. Scatterplots display the Pearson zero-order correlation between the percent minority share and distress levels of communities. Preliminary findings suggest the impact of redlining is still evident in the persistent racial and socioeconomic segregation of communities in Jacksonville, Florida. Further research should be done to determine if other cities have similar levels of economic distress in previously redlined areas. There is an actionable need for a social science perspective when urban planning decisions are made. Researchers should be encouraged to engage in the political process in order to educate legislators in desegregation efforts.

5 thoughts on ““A State Sponsored System of Segregation”: Examining the Contemporary Impact of Redlining”

  1. Hello Caroline!
    I’m so excited to see this excellent work from you!
    I see your suggestion that local history and the harmful effects of historical policies be taught and I understand that is a long term way to help mitigate the harm from this problem, did your research on this subject contain any cases in which there were successful short term changes that you would suggest be implemented?

    1. Extensive, well developed research and equally spectacular presentation. Intelligent dialogue regarding institutionalized poverty is such an important subject to explore. Very well done. Congratulations!

  2. This is an important project, Caroline, well and beautifully presented. I look forward to watching your future unfold.

  3. Congrats Caroline! It’s inspiring to see you use your gifts in such a meaningful way! Kim

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